Thursday, May 14, 2009

Toddlers to Teens

I am a high school teacher, and at times as I teach my class, I have a sudden realization that the cute, tiny bundle for which I wait will one day grow into one of these taller-than-me, hilariously obnoxious seventeen-year-old boys or one of the beautiful, talkative, heartwarming sixteen-year-old girls. Amazing how that happens.

Thus, with the school year coming to a close (and this "oh-my-gosh-that-baby-will-grow-up-one-day" realization fresh on my mind), I'd like to dedicate this blog entry to a few of my favorite (or at least most-memorable) teaching moments over the past few years. (Names of schools and students have been omitted to protect the innocent.)

*The day one of my senior boys dropped a metal bucket from the second story onto another boy's head. The injured party ran up to me, blood dripping from his head and asked if he could go to the nurse. Really, did you have to ask? He dripped all the way across the building but was most upset about getting a red stain on his clean shoes.

*The entire month that one of my students who was born with only one arm convinced me that his other arm had been bitten off in a shark attack. Thanks for that.

*The Open House Night at which the parents arrived one-by-one and noticed the other parents already sitting in the room. They kept exclaiming, "I didn't know he was in here too. We asked that they not be put in the same room. I'm so sorry!" I didn't understand at first. A month later, the apologies were well-deserved.

*The day I walked into the room and asked a student to complete a task. As I turned to go, I heard her mutter under her breath, "She is ruining my life." Yep. That's my job sometimes.

*The day one of the only black students in the school convinced an aging (and somewhat eccentric) librarian to put up a sign proclaiming that "Today is Hug A Black Friend Day." I had to explain the problem with this.

*The day the senior boys super-glued all of the locks in the school, so no one could get inside the buildings.

Just a few of my faves. I'm sure more will come to me later on. (Teacher friends/aka those who work with kids: feel free to add your own delightful moments!)

Also, a shout out (I know I'm a nerd) today to Tim--five years ago today I committed to love you and walk with you through highs and lows. I cherish every moment. Here's praying for 55+ more. Love you.


  1. Hug a black Friend i miss Mrs. Vincent:)

  2. Once upon a time a Bright young teacher told me that she thought i could be a great writer one day and was sure that she would soon be teaching my works in her English class. Well here is my chance to let that said English teacher know something about life: Even if everything may not go your way, Even if it seems like your at the end of the road and there is no where to turn, There is ALWAYS another way. There are ALWAYS people there to support and love you, even if it was unexpected. So even when you've been cut and bruised by life...Remember to get back up and go look for that beautiful silver lining.
    -----Katie Rule:)
