Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bulgarian Babies

I am a planner & a control freak.  Not a surprise to many people who know me.  So, imagine my personality type combined with the uncertain future of fertility.  One doctor says we have a chance at conceiving one way; another says with certainty that the option would be a waste of money.  One adoption agency touts a two-year wait for a toddler; another claims just a year for the same age. With all of these choices and uncertainties, it is  easy to become overwhelmed--but that's where my control-freakness helps keeps me sane.  I always have a plan and an end-goal in mind.

However, I also must realize that my plan may fail, change, or be adjusted in some way.  An option that seems hopeful one day may be denied as a possibility the next month.  Likewise, a "never-would-agree-to" possibility may seem feasible in the light of new information (or new desperation).  Thus, I attempt to remain  open to whatever plan God has called T & I to, and I strive to allow "my plan" to morph into "thy will be done."  Whether that's tiny-baby-powder-scented-infants or toddling-two-year-old Bulgarian babies.  I know that either option will be the perfect plan in the end.

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