Friday, May 15, 2009

"I will call her Sarah"

Because my siblings and I are so spread out in age (me: 27, sis Lindsay: 21, sis Katie: 16, bro Cody: 13), I have great memories of babies and children in the home.  One memory that came to mind yesterday was right before my youngest sister was born.  I was eleven and Lindsay was five.  Lindsay loved stuffed animals and she loved the name "Sarah."  Thus, ALL of her beloved stuffed animals were called by her beloved name.  (Sarah the Sea Otter--from Monterey Bay Aquarium--was her favorite.)  So, when my mom began discussing names for her  third daughter, Lindsay was quick to tell her feelings on the matter.  "You may name her Katie, mommy, but I will call her Sarah."

If my life was a book, I would consider that moment a foreshadow of a dear friend who would become my surrogate (only-slightly) older sister (Sorry, Sarah :)).  She is practical and loyal and hilarious, and she, along with my family, has been a constant source of encouragement for Tim and I as we navigate the scary journey of infertility.  She allows me to discuss babies, babies, babies.  She listens to me change my mind and then change it again.  Bulgaria, IUI, Thailand, In Vitro, Kazakhstan, Clomid, foster care. She offers insight I hadn't yet considered.  And above all, she doesn't judge me regardless of the decisions I make.  Thank you to all the dear friends who continue to support us in the journey.  Your words of encouragement are so appreciated.  


  1. She sounds like a great friend. You are so blessed to have her!

  2. Thanks, S. I think you might know her.
