Tuesday, May 19, 2009


"Don't compare our journey to someone else's."--Tim said this to me last night after I finished telling him about news of a recent friend's pregnancy.  Inevitably, even happy news such as this carries with it questions such as, "Why hasn't that happened to me yet?  Am I doing something wrong?  Would I not make a good mother?" Logic and time have enabled me to brush away these questions quickly by now, but Tim's words helped as well.

At the risk of seeming simplistic, I felt like I understood in that moment that my journey is my journey.  It's unfair for me to judge another person's as easier or more difficult.  Instead, I must accept the place that God has brought me, trusting that His timing is perfect and that His purposes for me are good.  With this trust comes the realization that regardless of the longevity of  the struggle and regardless of the disappointments along the way, the journey will lead me to God's perfect plan in the end.

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