Friday, May 22, 2009

Summer Sun

Today, I celebrate the last day with my students, and although I am thrilled to be finished with another school year, saying goodbye to students who have annoyed and frustrated and humored me (and become absolutely lovable in the process) is always bittersweet.  However, I am looking forward to the summer and to the potential it holds.

Tim and I plan to visit regularly with our new fertility doctor over this next month in the hope of starting a new treatment cycle in July.  Simultaneously, I hope to continue the process of choosing our country and adoption agency, so we will be prepared for adoption whether we start the process in the fall or in a year or two.

I am also hoping to find hours and hours of time to write this summer, keeping in mind that it could be my last summer as a footloose, fancy-free non-mom.  Such a good reminder that while I wait, I should choose to enjoy every moment.  I know I'll sometimes miss my moments of solitude when little feet are running circles around me.  And if you're reading this, my blogging friends, please let me know about your summer plans.  I'd love to touch base and get together! (For J: California here I come ;) I wish)


  1. Being an adult sucks. I long for the days of lazy rivers, Corpus Christi and your mom driving us around to the sweet tunes of Sandy Patti :)

  2. I agree. Come to Tejas, and I'll make her take us out in the mini-van--just me and you! Or, even better, we could throw my almost-grown siblings in the back and ask them to pretend that they are 10 years younger.

  3. Enjoy your time off. Some people are still working. They don't let just anyone work in heaven.

  4. Enjoy the quiet's gone before you know it!
