Monday, August 3, 2009

I am super girl

I visited the doctor again this morning, and because they decreased my injection dosages, I now have 20-25 follicles total.  They are measuring between 12-14mm.  When they reach 16-18mm (which I expect will be in the next couple of days), then I know I am close to the egg retrieval.  The latest date I expect that to happen is this Sunday.  

The past few days I have felt tired and occasionally a bit nauseated, and my tummy is bruised and sore from constant poking and prodding (I'm up to three injections a day right now).  I'm thankful I have another week and a half of summer to take naps as needed.  

Tim is really afraid of needles (like "I'd rather just pass out right now than have to look at a needle" kind of afraid), so I've been giving the injections to myself.  Yes, I am super girl after all.  He is pretty funny though when he stands a few feet away from me, trying to cheer me on with phrases like "Go, Kristen, I'm here for you" (all the while looking away/running away as needed), while I take a deep breath and poke and prod at my stomach.  At least there's some fat there to absorb the pain :).

Hope to post news of the egg retrieval soon!!!

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