Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why the switch?

Some of you may notice that in earlier postings, I talk about adoption occasionally. Then, I switched to fertility talk as our focus becomes more and more geared towards making Bird babies first. I wanted to take a moment to clarify why exactly this switch happened.

It's not because we no longer want to adopt, and it's not because we "want to have our OWN baby first." We believe that adopted or birthed, any child God grants us will indeed be our OWN, meant to be in our family. Instead, we are chosing to go the fertility-route now for some very simple and not very exciting reasons. First, we our young (and with my PCOS, this is a definite plus) and second, third, and fourth, we feel it's easier (relatively speaking), less expensive (believe it or not), and faster (yep, believe that or not too--of course, depending on the length of fertility treatment) than the international adoption we want to one day pursue.

After walking happily down the adoption track for several months, I kept feeling that the simplest way for us to bring home our baby Bird at this point in our lives would be to try to make one in a lab before we cross the far-away seas. :) At some point--perhaps sooner than later--I believe that we will walk that road and dream about our far-away miracle once again. In fact, I actually already long for that child too. The most important point to me, however, is that Tim and I are in complete agreement, whether in the fertility office or the airport terminal. IVF is where our agreement has brought us, but we are willing to shift gears again as new information and new direction leads.

For now, though, I feel I can only focus on getting one Baby Bird at a time. (And with 12 on ice, that may be no small undertaking). Happy baby-making/waiting!

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