Monday, August 10, 2009


We received a call from the doctor's office yesterday, and 21 of our 22 eggs fertilized. They will grow until Thursday morning (although several will most likely not make it until the Day 5 blastocyst stage), and then the doctor should have a good idea of which two embryos will be the best options to implant. I am currently taking progesterone in oil shots along with a variety of other hormone meds, and I think the shots make me more sore than any other shots I've taken. I'm also continually fatigued, but as a friend (who is also a new mom) just told me today, "You'll be tired for the next 18 years." Guess you have to start sometime.

Tomorrow I'll be preparing for bedrest and Wednesday I'll be back at school for the first in-service day. I'm excited about Thursday because Tim and I will have the opportunity to watch the embryos be placed in the uterus and then receive a picture of them just chillin'. :) I'll try to post the picture a few days after the implantation. Thanks to everyone for your encouraging words and support!


  1. Oh yes--I forgot your specific request. I'll see what I can do. ;)
