Saturday, August 8, 2009


This morning was my egg retrieval, and I was more loopy and in pain than the last two hysteroscopies. I kind of felt as if someone had kicked me in the ovaries. Pleasant, huh? Tim, Sarah, and my sis Lindsay are taking good care of me by turn though, and right now I'm relaxing on the couch, drinking my Gatorade and watching Sense & Sensibility.

When I walked into the surgery room this morning, I noticed a long bin on wheels with a clear top. It truly looked like the incubators in which farmers place eggs that are ready to hatch into baby chicks. And that's where my eggs went, ready to be hatched. The nurse told us that the eggs and sperm incubate (separately, I believe) for approximately four hours before the sperm are injected into the eggs, making tiny embryos. So, depending on when exactly you believe life begins, you might consider Tim and I semi "mom" and "dad" by 2pm today. :) crazy weird!

So the announcement is that I had 22 eggs total, although some of these might not be mature or may have passed maturity, etc... We'll know more tomorrow after they have been fertilized. Over the next few days, I will be resting and preparing for three days of bedrest starting Thursday most likely. Let me know if you have any suggestions for bedrest activities or movies!


  1. let us know if you want any movies, you know chuck can hook it up ;)

  2. Sarah Stone (aka thelibrarymouse)August 9, 2009 at 11:03 PM

    i'll call you this week to schedule a visit with dessert and chick flick of your choice... :) or other activity should these not appeal at the moment.
