Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Moody Me

The past couple of days have been quite a ride, especially for Tim, who has to bear with my laughing hilarity one moment and my sad anxiety the next. But no, I'm not crazy (at least not yet). It's the hormones. (The hormones offer a variety of excuses!) My estradiol is very high right now, and although I don't completely know what that means, I am assuming it contributes to the whirlwind that is me at the moment. I am hoping to take my "trigger" shot (Lupron) tomorrow night.

However, we received good news today. I can stop one of the injections, so I'm down to only two per day, and we will most likely proceed with the egg retrieval on Saturday. The embryo transfer would then most likely be the following Thursday. The reason for the delay between the egg retrieval and the transfer allows the embryo to develop to a Day 5 blastocyst, which will be more likely to implant and grow in my uterus. Of course, all is subject to change, but as of today, it looks as if I will be on bedrest from Thur-Sat, August 13-15, before resuming light activity.

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