Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Many readers know that my relationship with my dad is sadly strained at the moment. Typically, I go throughout my day, occasionally thinking or speaking of him, but often focused on my work, family, or friends. However, my birthday last weekend brought up a grief that resurfaces on occasion. The thought that my child might not know someone whose life deeply influenced mine offers a difficult reality to face. Although no easy answers exist in a situation like this, I do know that grief is an inevitable part of the process, whether the relationship ends in a happy reunion or a sad separation. I find that embracing the sorrow allows me to move forward unlike the results of avoidance or distraction. A friend brought a song to my mind recently, and I would like to share it as a tool that comforts me as I work through this array of complex emotions. May we all know the comfort of being held. The YouTube link is below.


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