Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Pregnancy Is Weird

Okay. So I really thought that pregnancy was like this: throw up, get a belly, suffer through delivery, bring home baby. Now, I wonder how many other millions of misconceptions I have. Instead, I've found that pregnancy is like this:

1. Wake up with achy legs because I've tossed and turned from side to side all night (in an attempt to avoid sleeping on the back or belly)
2. Go to the bathroom and discover a bloody nose because apparently every blood vessel in my body dilates during this miracle-of-life-making
3. Get dressed, attempting to find a cute outfit that still covers the belly
4. Walk down to the car to go to work and then just sit for a moment, attempting to catch my breath (apparently rising progesterone has something to do with this)
5. Go to work and suddenly need a bathroom visit in the middle of class (when it's desperate, the poor children are left to fend for themselves for a few moments)
6. Sneeze while I'm working in my office and suddenly wonder if I've just gone to the restroom on myself (not completely yet, thank goodness)
7. ALWAYS forget SOMETHING (like turning in grades or a meeting)
8. Stumble over my words during lectures and grade the kids' papers incorrectly, obviously because my baby is becoming a genius and needs my extra brain power (not leaving me much to work with)
9. Finish my work day full of energy and arrive home (after an entire 5 minute drive), about ready to pass out from exhaustion. Nap or no nap, depending on the evening, but still tired and ready for bed by 10pm either way.
10. Go to sleep, prepared to wake again every two hours in order to get up and visit the bathroom once again. I assume this is my body's way of preparing me for 2am feeding (and 4am and 6am, etc...)

These are not complaints because I paid a little over $1000 for each of the above observations. Thus, they are merely noticeable moments in this strange world in which my body has been hi-jacked by a (currently) navel-orange-sized little person. But I know that these minor weirdnesses will be worthwhile, so in the meantime, I'm glad to share this body -- this oh-so-strange and changing-day-to-day body -- with my little fruit-sized wonder.


  1. Thanks, Sasha. I actually remind myself of that often. Who knows if this will ever happen again, so I'll live up every pregger-moment!

  2. Haha...I never had the throw-upy pregnancy either. My symptoms were: leg cramps during the night and morning--and like every time I woke up to go potty, toothbrushing made me gag, and extreme exhaustion (I totally understand you). Oh and my favorite was congestion--I couldn't breathe. I took Sudafed through the whole pregnany. At the end, I got totally painful hip pain. I didn't even know where my hips were until then. Those bones are in there! But--after that baby comes out, the "suffering" is so worth it!! And definitely prepares you for all those feedings that you will cherish so much (at first). :)

