Thursday, November 5, 2009

Making Faces

This week has been a tough one at work, as a couple of recent events about a faculty member has unfolded in the media. However, last night while Tim worked out and watched the Rockets downstairs, my mom came over and took me to Target to spend some of my birthday money (and her money too, of course). We perused the baby section, enjoying browsing amongst the oh-so-adorable one-sies and tiny shoes. After choosing a few gender-specific items (more girl stuff than boy, so we'll see how that goes), the "Big Bang Theory" season one, M&Ms, and a frozen pizza, we went back to my apartment where we talked profusely and laughed loudly and ate delightedly. While we watched the season and my mom gave me a back rub, she said, "You need to laugh like this every night. Just come home and laugh."

I realize that she's completely right. Laughter is sweet relief to a drained spirit. I remember being particularly reminded of this at points in my life where I would giggle and then realize that I couldn't remember the last time that happened. So today, I encourage all of us to find at least one carefree moment to chuckle out loud--at a film, at a comment made by someone else, at the strange situation we may find ourselves in, or simply at ourselves. Surely we can always find one characteristic about our unique personalities with which to amuse ourselves. If all else fails, make faces at yourself in the mirror.


  1. You should write a book! I love all of your deep insights.
    And...Mom's always come to the rescue; they are heroines!

  2. Little does Sasha know, you already wrote a book!I still have my copy, remember? I hope you are doing well. I like reading your updates. Gustavo said your tummy looked so cute this weekend (well, he didnt' say cute, I did). He said, "Si, tenia una pancita" which means "yes, she had a little tummy." When do we find out if it is a boy or a girl??

    Talk to you soon! Or probably text, since I am never good with that calling thing.


  3. We are hoping to find out the gender Nov 23 during Thanksgiving week. I'm excited and yet a little nervous when I look around my class at the teenage boys and girls. I'm not sure which is better--they both have their "interesting" moments. :) Just glad it starts off as a baby!
