Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Favorite Picture of Baby Bird


  1. I guess I am going to comment all the time now. Anyway~ I love this super clear picture. It's a beautiful baby Bird! We never had any ultrasound pictures that nice. Can't wait till we see a hamburger or hot dog!! ;) Have you heard about that?

    Anyway. Call your mom and take Sudafed and Tylenol. It's okay. :)

    Oh, and I think Ariana wants more of that Pho, Phu, Ph-whatever.


  2. Pho. ;) I want some more too, so maybe she can join me. We find out the gender on Monday!!!! Can't wait. I did calm my mom and drug up. I'm feeling better today--that may have something to do with my last two hours of work about to wrap up.
