Thursday, July 2, 2009

Reproductively Challenged

I believe what Charlotte in Sex & The City states boldly when she says, "We're not infertile.  We're just reproductively challenged."  

During this waiting game, Tim often reminds me that we simply have a few issues, so we visit a doctor to sort them out.  Sounds simple, and yet nothing about the process feels simple.  The knowledge that any given day the entire process could be put on hold or stopped is hovering in the back of my mind recently (most likely because that would mean that I would still be doing fertility procedures early in the school year), and yet I continue reminding myself of what I believe firmly--that God determines my days and times.

I am hoping to have my second hysteroscopy--to make sure all the scar tissue is gone--next week and then move forward into an intense month of shots, ultrasounds, blood tests, egg retrievals, and embryo transfers.  In a later post, I'll detail the exact schedule for the month, so those who've never been through this experience can see just why it's always in the forefront of "reproductively challenged" people's minds.  Thanks for reading, and please feel free to pass this site onto anyone you know who may be sharing a similar struggle.  I'm just starting to meet people my age going through this type of life-craziness, and I think it's important we connect and remember that we are never alone in this adventure.


  1. Hi! My name is Laci and I am one of Sarah Gonzalez's friends. I am in the process of doing IVF right now. She had told me that you might be starting soon. Please feel free to check out my blog ( and contact me if you have any questions. My story is on the blog to give you the background of what all we have went through. I have read most of your blogs as well. It sounds like we have a lot in common. Not the same "problem" causing the infertility, but the same thoughts and emotions that come along with it. I will keep you and your husband in my prayers. I really hope everything works out for you and that you have the perfect family you have dreamed of!

  2. Thanks so much Laci for your comment. I am going to your page right now!
