Monday, July 20, 2009

Back on My Feet

So, for some reason (or a variety of reasons) the second hysteroscopy experience was relatively easy.  Dr. Haddad told me that my uterus is ready--never thought I'd write that--and that it's time to proceed.  I relaxed and slept for several hours after the procedure (and after a shot of Demerol for mild pain), but by the next morning, I had visitors: Suzanne and her IVF-beauty Kennedy.  By the time Sarah D called to come over and "take care of me," I was getting a delux pedicure and ready to go out to lunch and shopping.  

Of course my body couldn't let me get away that easily, so Sunday morning at about 4 am a 24-hour nasty stomach bug hit me and I spent most of the day unpleasantly.  The bright side: I lost a couple of pounds!  (As The Devil Wears Prada film states so eloquently, "I'm one stomach flu away from my goal weight.")  I figure I should get as much weight off as possible before I have the baby-excuse of eating for two.

Now, I wait until next Tuesday, July 28 when (hopefully if all goes well!) I go in for my first appointments--Day 3 UltraSound and BloodWork at 9am and then back at 3pm to learn about the fascinating world of injections.  

As promised in an earlier posting, I'll outline what the month should look like:
Day 3: above
Day 6: Ultrasound & Bloodwork (US & BW)
Day 8: US & BW
Day 10: US & BW
Day 12: US & BW
Day 13: US & BW
(A series of injections, ranging from 1-3 shots per night in addition to other pills, throughout this time)
Day 14: Nothing to eat or drink after midnight
Day 15: Egg Retrieval
Day 16-18: Grow, Babies, Grow!
Day 18: Embryo Transfer
Day 18-20: Bedrest (Sidenote: I think I'm dreading this part more than the waiting to find out if I'm pregnant.  Please feel free to suggest activities (or schedule visits to my bedside) during bed rest.  I won't have any anesthesia to make me drowsy, so it will just be me and my pillow/couch wide-awake and hanging out for three days!!!!)

After bed rest I continue US & BW every couple of days and know for sure a few weeks later when we see a heartbeat.  If it works, I see my fertility doctor for the first trimester before transferring to a regular ObGyn.  If it doesn't work, I make a consultation with my doctor to either try again or we start looking for our little Bulgarian, Armenian, Khazak, AnyKind of baby (and I eat tons of Phish Food, drink lots of margaritas, and cry for a few weeks--but I'm not focusing on that outcome right now.)

Think of us as we move forward and please be in touch!


  1. AHHH!! I'm so excited! I wish Chuck and I were doing it right now too! :( We're gonna have to wait a little longer to save up some money. Let me know if you need anything, I know it's going to be a stressful month. Just hang in there, and we better be one of the 1st to know the news at the end! Love you.

  2. I am wishing you all the best of luck! We will be at the doctor on Tuesday morning as well. I have an appointment at 7:30 for "confirmation" that our IVF worked. I love your outline of what is to come, however be ready for a lot of change. Mine was somewhat like that, but they changed dates and everything according to my body. I gave myself the shot in the stomach daily, but I am warning you about the progesterone shots. They suck! Nobody warned me, so I had no clue. They go on and on forever too. Please, please, please feel free to email me (, facebook me (Laci Crowson), or contact me in any way if you have any questions, want to talk, or anything. I think it is nice that we have been following each others' stories and ended up going to the same doctor's office too. Best wishes and I will continue to pray for you and your husband!!!!

  3. feel free to call me on bedrest for entertainment/moral support! i recommend taking up cross-stitch, if you don't already do it.
