Sunday, June 21, 2009

Baby Blocker

Last Thursday, I underwent a hysteroscopy, and the doctor found a bit more than he expected during the procedure. In layman's terms--the only way I understand it--is that the doctor found scar tissue (a septum) running along the top of my uterus, preventing implantation anywhere the scar tissue touched. I consider this good news because I feel that I have another problem checked off my list. In a couple of weeks, my doctor wants to perform another hysteroscopy to ensure it hasn't returned, but he said he is 99.9% certain that it is gone for good.

I wasn't in much pain after the procedure, but the general anesthesia did exhaust me and cause me some stomach issues, though the drugs were wonderful in the moment! I found myself frustrated that I couldn't get up and live my life the day after the surgery, but Tim and my mom encouraged me to rest as long as my body demanded.

Although the experience was by no means fun, I did have a couple of humorous moments after coming out of the anesthesia. The most memorable was minutes after I awoke as the doctor explained details of the procedure and began answering questions about resuming normal activity. In my medicated state, I asked when Tim and I could resume the baby-making. The doctor smiled and asked, "How long would you like?" My answer: "I like sex." True and to the point, I suppose. I guess I liked the happy anesthesia as well.

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