Sunday, September 20, 2009

Time to Rest

I said to my mom today, "If I could just know that I will be okay after the baby is born, I think I would have a peaceful pregnancy." Reading over this comment now points out how silly such a statement is. Why worry now about something I have no power to change in the future and which will not be near as troubling as the scenarios I create in my mind, based on extreme stories I hear? Unfortunately, that's the problem with anxiety--it's illogical and deceptive.

I had coffee with a friend recently who admitted her fears--which mirror mine. She looked at me and said, "I'm afraid to have a baby because I'm afraid of postpardum afterward." Another friend who is struggling to conceive tried to convince me (and herself, I believe) that "Maybe I'm just not meant to have kids . . . and that's okay." (But from experience, I know it's not really okay.) I know exactly how these women feel. I think that anyone who yearns for a child and then watches the stick tell them "Nope, not even close" each month struggles with some of the same kinds of fears. I admit that I even believed for a year or so that perhaps God wouldn't give me a child because I would be a bad mother after it was born. Lies, lies, lies. All lies.

As we all know, however, lies come in a variety of shapes and sizes and appear in a multitude of different circumstances. Ladies, let's find the truth, speak it to one another, and learn to live and walk and breathe it daily.


  1. Truth inspires movement. We must pour the truth of Christ over one another and never stop. Let the truth of Christ be inhaled deeply like the rush of a cold breeze that fills every crevasse of the lungs.

  2. I think the truth is that almost every woman will be a fantastic mother sometimes, a good mother most of the time, and a bad mother a few times in her childrens' lives. And they will still love her and turn out just fine. The thought of motherhood is terrifying because it's so unknown (no matter HOW many kids you've been around) and the consequences of "messing up" seem so horrible. :) but that's where God comes in, through the Holy Spirit's guidance. you may be brand-new at this, but God's been there a billion times before. at least, that's what I'll be clingin' to whenever my time comes around!! ;)
