Monday, September 28, 2009


At the risk of being "facebook-y" and listing the details of my day (a characteristic of the online program that one of my bffs HATES), I offer concrete evidence of my (and all other infertility-related pregnancies) unique pregnancy juggling act:

6:45 am: Wake up (I know it's much later than some of you early-risers)
7:30 am: NHS E-recylcling meeting (don't ask)
8 am: Prep for class
8:45 am: Teach second period
9:45 am: Go home and shoot up (not near as fun as it sounds) and pick up Tim for the adventure to No-Man's Land
10:20 am and on and on and on 'til forever: Wait at doctor's office to meet new Ob; love her; give samples; be poked and prodded; hear the heartbeat--amazing!!!; lose the parking ticket and pay an entire day's cost (it felt like we were there the entire day anyway, so why not?)
1:15 pm: Missed 5A class and my lunch break; Back at school with my Jamba Juice liquid-lunch (threw in an oatmeal cookie too--baby will be as sweet as sugar); monitor library during 5B
1:40 pm: Give notes on "Canterbury Tales" and attempt to make Chaucer fascinating
2:30 pm: Discuss American Romanticism and mold young minds into loving 1850s literature as much as I do (at least I tried)
3:15 pm: Begin tutorial and have a student turn in a paper--5 weeks late.  Oh well.
4 pm: Go to Gugliani's, a little Italian place near our house that Tim thinks my pregnant belly is obsessed with.  I suppose he's right.

This week, I only have 39 pills, one patch, one tv ultrasound (so fun!), and one more doctor's appointment.  Infertility definitely makes for a unique baby-experience even once the baby is made.  I guess I hadn't realized how much work would come after the hysteroscopies, egg retrieval, and embryo transfer.  I guess I'm in for a shock when baby arrives, although I'm sure Baby Bird will sleep through the night and overall be the perfect child ;) --unless he/she is like I was.   Oops.  Should have thought of that before asking the lab--and God--to make a mini-me.

Regardless of the unique infertility pregnancy experience, I do know this: the meds, the unbalanced schedule, the jabs at my underworld, all of it becomes worth it as soon as that baby's microscopic heart appears on the screen.  I am grateful for ALL my pregnancy-weirdness.  No complaints here.


  1. Sounds like things will probably slow down once little Jenny-Sara is here!

    I hope you are feeling GGGRRRREEEEAAATTT!! In the words of my favorite tiger. Well, second favorite! I forgot about Tigger.

    Anyway. Love ya!

  2. I'm glad i know the best time to rob your house...
