Monday, January 11, 2010

The Strong Women

This weekend I was reminded of the reality of the strong women in my life. As I listened to friends discuss difficult situations they (or those they love) currently face, my heart felt grateful to be surrounded by such tough gals, realizing that their strength helps stabilize me during my struggles. Here are just a few of the stories I've heard over the past few weeks:

*Two women with husbands fighting overseas, one raising her daughter while developing her own business
*Two women dealing with the loss of husbands who have chosen their addictions rather than their families
*One woman fostering two sons, not knowing whether or not she will for certain have the opportunity of making them part of her forever family
*One woman bravely facing fertility treatment for the fourth (that's tough stuff, for those who haven't been through it!) time since August 2009.
*One woman embarking on the adoption journey with thousands of dollars (without a 6-figure job) to save looming in front of her.
*One woman dealing with her husband's recent suicide while raising three children.
*One woman dealing with the loss of her father and learning to care for her mother on her own.

For these stories, thousands more exists around us each day. It may sound cliche, but we truly never do know the depth of hurt that other women (even those who seem to "have it all together") may be facing at that moment. So, as women, let's deal gently with one another, allowing petty grievances and grudges to dissipate quickly and covering one another with the grace that we so long to receive. And, as a final word of encouragement, remember that we may not feel the strength as it solidifies in our soul, but someday we'll look back and see how firm and unbending we've become.