Thursday, January 7, 2010

"Oy veh with the poodles already"

The above is a quote from one of my favorite mom-daughter shows, "Gilmore Girls." My roommates and I watched this show religiously in our college years, the premiere days of the TVshow, and I confess that I now own every season and plan to watch them with Macie during our first months of late nights.

And lately I've begun to wonder if those late nights may arrive sooner than later. I went to the doctor a week and a half ago and talked to her about the cramping I've experienced lately. I didn't intend to even bring the subject up, thinking they were just the common aches and pains of pregnancy, but the first question the nurse asked when I arrived pulled the info out of me. My doctor's concern surprised me until she said, "You did a lot to get this baby, and we need to keep her in as long as possible." Once again my IVF & PCOS status (PCOS gals are more likely to deliver pre-term apparently) elevates me to receiving even more-attentive care. (A perk that I definitely don't mind.) Thankfully, all is well with my cervix--sealed shut, so "no baby today" as one of the other doctor's told me this past Tuesday--and the discomfort eases significantly when I sit on my bum with my feet up for extended periods of time, avoiding housework, cleaning, and every other unfavorable chore. Thus, my instructions for my 23rd week and so-on of baby-land include keeping my feet up, keeping fluids down, and keeping calm all the way around. Not a bad plan until Week 32, when Macie will look much more presentable to the world. After I cross that threshold, my doctor will breathe a sigh of relief, and my real work will be just beginning. I will enjoy the mandate to rest while I can.

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